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===Related terms===
===Related terms===

* (is obtained through) [[Asylum procedure]]
* (''is obtained through'') [[Asylum procedure]]
* (applies for) [[Asylum seeker]]
* (''is applied for by'') [[Asylum seeker]], [[refugee]]
* (type of) political asylum, diplomatic asylum
* political asylum, diplomatic asylum (''are types of'')
*[[Geneva Convention]]
*(''grants a refugee'') permit to remain
*(''is a national alternative to'') [[refugee status]]
*Permit to remain / exceptional leave to remain
*[[refugee status]]
*stateless person


Revision as of 13:50, 23 June 2022



Related terms


International law guarantees to each person fleeing persecution the right to request asylum in a safe country.

Source: https://origins.osu.edu/

Encyclopaedic information

The broader case is that not every asylum seeker is a refugee.

Source: https://youth4policy.org/

Asylum laws differ in each European state because the EU considers immigration law a matter of national sovereignty.

Source: https://origins.osu.edu/

Synonyms and variants


  • application for asylum, asylum application
  • right of asylum
  • asylum process, procedure, system
  • asylum seeker, applicants
  • asylum status
  • asylum laws, policy, system
  • to seek, claim, request, apply for asylum
  • to grant, provide, give asylum (to be granted, provided, given asylum)
  • to deny asylum (to be denied asylum)


A co-ordinated inter-governmental response, such as a unified asylum system, will spread the burden of hosting new refugees throughout the EU.

Source: https://newint.org/

This prevents asylum applicants in the EU from applying for asylum to numerous member states and situations when no member state takes responsibility for an asylum seeker.

Source: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/

Indeed, the number of Syrians seeking asylum in Europe is not even close to the number already within the borders of Syria's neighboring countries.

Source: https://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/
